First Sentence

Tonight Jakey said his very first sentence.  The day after his 19-month birthday.  And it was: Read me book. I’m pleasantly surprised that it encompasses such a positive theme and behavior… even if it’s a little commanding and abrupt. If I think about what I might have expected his first sentence…

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Snips and snails and puppy dog tails. That’s what little boys are made of. Sugar and spice and everything nice. That’s what little girls are made of. Mac & cheese, raisin bran, breakfast sausages, and rootbeer floats. That’s what Jakey was made of. Soup and seafood and panini sandwiches. That’s what…

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This is my last blog… Not ever!  Just about the topic of all the words Jakey can say.  At 18 months, we’ve hit a vocab barrage.  What has made this especially challenging is that our little copykitten is now a parrot.  Honestly, he can say just about anything I can…

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Baby Cillo

In Italian, our last name, Fucillo, is pronounced Foo-chee-lo.  People who claim to know Italian say it means something about shooting or rifle or sniper?  I don’t know… contrary to the many compliments I get about my “namesake pasta.” And since we decided the genders of our babies will be…

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For several months now, there has been new emphasis in our lives.  Frankly, almost everything Jake says is followed by that many times overly used grammatical symbol, the exclamation point. It all began with “Oh no!” (combined with one hand on each cheek ala Macaulay Culkin).  This is still uttered…

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The Answer

James is always asking me, “Where did this kid come from?” I now have an answer.  And that answer, surprisingly, is Boston. Boston? Yes. We’ve just made the connection.   Every day, we now get in the “Cah… cah!” Pretty soon we’ll be pahking in Havahd Yahd.

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Top 10

Top Ten Signs Jacob is Sleepy: 10. He lays his head down on things… pillows, the floor, a shoe… then pops up real quick and turns in circles. 9. When he’s in his car seat and his dad says, “Shut your eyes, Jakey.”  He has to rub his eyes.  It’s…

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