Author: Jaimie
The Pacific
It began with fountains. Pictures of lakes. A boat in a harbor on TV. Maybe even a puddle. Two weeks ago we were driving up Highway 1 on our way to pick pumpkins. Jake looks out at the Pacific Ocean and exclaims, “Bath time!”
Highlights & Lowlights
Every week at yoga, we share a highlight and lowlight. Here are a few from the past month or so: In September, I began a marathon plane journey back from DC. I had originally chosen aisle seats for every leg of my trip. I was making my way down the…
Mani Bedi
They say with the downturn in the economy, the new trend is moonlighting. And of course, I am no exception to the treacheries of the worst recession since the great depression. Just call me Maddie. I’ve been moonlighting since July. As a manicurist. Though I prefer unlicensed nail technician. I…
22 Weeks: Spaghetti Squash
When I was little I remember my mom always exclaiming, “Jaimie. Quit. Kicking. Your. Brother!” The last few weeks I have literally been kicked, simultaneously, from both the inside out, and the outside in… Does a spaghetti squash even have little feet?
Fang Doggie
When I was little, there was this dog that lived next door to my friend Nealy. I remember it being really yippy and it would chase the car up the dirt road every time we drove up to her house. For some reason she would call it Fang Doooooggie! It…
21 Weeks: Carrot
Apparently it’s carrot week for Baby Cillo– 3/4 of a pound and about 10.5 inches long. Or as James put it, 3 quarter pounders? Yes, I’m sure is about to roll-out a new version of their e-mails, providing baby development size estimates based on your favorite fast food: from…
First Sentence
Tonight Jakey said his very first sentence. The day after his 19-month birthday. And it was: Read me book. I’m pleasantly surprised that it encompasses such a positive theme and behavior… even if it’s a little commanding and abrupt. If I think about what I might have expected his first sentence…
Snips and snails and puppy dog tails. That’s what little boys are made of. Sugar and spice and everything nice. That’s what little girls are made of. Mac & cheese, raisin bran, breakfast sausages, and rootbeer floats. That’s what Jakey was made of. Soup and seafood and panini sandwiches. That’s what…
Little Sleevie Wonder
When Jake was a little bitty baby, he would take his hand and rub it back and forth across my collarbone like a windshield wiper. My mom said it was weird. She’s always rubbing her nose. Pot and Kettle? Then I had to be very careful because whenever I was…