Fear The Beard

Last night, more than 56 years since the last time they’ve won, the San Francisco Giants beat the Texas Rangers to take home the World Series title. For two weeks, anytime Jake sees a TV, he points and says baseball, baseball!  All sports have turned into baseball. And of course,…

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Operation: Bye Bye Nigh-Nigh

It is November 1st.  Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to eliminate the nigh-nigh, completely. (As I’ve previously written, Jake has developed a serious affinity for his nigh-nigh (aka, pacifier).  Lately, he overpronouces the “t”… someone at school has corrected him, “nigh-nighT!”) Your first strategy, before implementating “Operation:…

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Mani Bedi

They say with the downturn in the economy, the new trend is moonlighting.  And of course, I am no exception to the treacheries of the worst recession since the great depression.  Just call me Maddie. I’ve been moonlighting since July.  As a manicurist.  Though I prefer unlicensed nail technician. I…

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21 Weeks: Carrot

Apparently it’s carrot week for Baby Cillo– 3/4 of a pound and about 10.5 inches long.  Or as James put it, 3 quarter pounders?  Yes, I’m sure BabyCenter.com is about to roll-out a new version of their e-mails, providing baby development size estimates based on your favorite fast food: from…

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