33 Weeks: Pineapple

What does it feel like to be 8 months pregnant? I’d say it feels like eating the biggest Thanksgiving dinner you’ve ever eaten.  And then swallowing a pineapple.  Whole.  And then, the pineapple somehow, miraculously (or freakishly) comes alive… perpetually squirming and fidgeting. And even though you couldn’t feel any…

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Mommy: A Poem

I am a personal cradle. A mommy treehouse, a bed railing, a custom pillow. I am a human elevator. A pack mule, A lunch wagon, a jungle gym. I am a deluxe chair. An electric toothbrush, a waste management specialist, a personal assistant. I am not a horsey. I’m not.

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Father Christmas

I’d say it’s been six weeks, at most, since we introduced the concept of Santa.  This is truly a nanosecond in comparison to other concepts such as not hitting, not throwing, and go back to sleep. Jacob sees Santa ev-ree-where.  He can spot him a mile away.  He sees miniature…

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Free Association

Last night we had Melissa, Nate and Baby Charlotte over for dinner.  Charlotte is just 10 weeks old and absolutely beautiful.  Jake was doing really well saying her name, “Charlotte, Baby Charlotte.”  It was really cute. Then toward the end of dinner, he’s looking at me and he says, “Charlotte,…

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In October I noticed Jake was starting to get a little pushy.  I mean, pushier than usual.  Perhaps physically ambitious is a better descriptor. On the airplane to DC, he took my hand and used it to make the window shade go up and down.  Then he started grabbing my…

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We’ve encountered a strange phenomenon with our little Chatty Cathy (not sure what the boy version would be… Chatty Chester?)  In any case, words that were perfectly pronounced in the beginning, have transformed, sometimes in dramatically (and potentially offensive) ways. A sampling of the vocabulary metamorphosis: ball -> baseball ->…

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Quality Time

I recently had a great bus conversation with a respected director at work.  She shared with me her philosophy on the time her husband spends with her son when she is traveling for work.  Essentially, she stated that she can’t be upset about anything they do when she’s gone, even…

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