The Soup Pot

And then on November 3rd, I may have posted the following on Nextdoor… The Soup Pot At the risk of inviting unwanted internet animal activism, I’m writing this post in a moment of need. We’re looking for someone possessing the skills to humanely butcher our big, young rooster.  Our peaceful…

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Fartin’ Rooster

Jake and Nate are keeping lifetime score of any and all verbal transgressions their adult role models may utter in a moment of weakness.  My moment of infamy is the time the boys and I were parked at a gas station in Prunedale.  We were on our way to Santa Cruz when James…

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Your Number

This weekend we had our first “sleep away” tournament.  On Friday night we made it down to the Sideways Inn in Santa Ynez.  The boys hitched a ride with their friends and when I finally arrived after work, they were all hopped-up on the excitement of roaming the halls of…

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Chick Lid

So Mohawk, Pipsqueak and Silver spent their chickhood in the artist’s studio.  It was secure.  It was warm.  And it soon smelled, unfortunately, like a real coop.  Over the spring, they graduated from a red, rinky-dink cardboard corral to a big metal horse trough.  Silver was the most tame, followed…

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So it always goes something like this: Jacob, James, Nate.  Maybe me.  This is the predictable course of every common school-age fever, sneeze, rash, or barf bug as it makes its way through our household.  Jacob is our entry point.  Every.  Single.  Time. This year we seemed to get through…

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Rocket Science

This afternoon, we made it back from Ojai in time for Nate’s All Stars soccer practice.  It was a beautiful, warm afternoon and I offered to help put the goal together with one of the dads.  We found ourselves staring at approximately 15 metal tubes with various colors of tape…

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Approaching Expectations

December.  Elves working nights and weekends.  Planning for 2020.  And of course, workplace performance reviews.  Earlier this week, I warned the boys on our drive up the mountain, “Now listen.  I have to get my year-end review done tonight, so I have to work on it after dinner.” Nate, “What?  Your…

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After School

All my life, Granddad has talked fondly of his mom picking him up from school.  His favorite days were when she’d show-up with the bird dogs and the shotguns in her car, ready to take him hunting.  Just the right mom for Granddad. Meanwhile, Nate and I have a similar…

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Mohawk, Pipsqueak and Silver

When my childhood friend, Nealy, got married, her older sister Erin gave the best speech– almost perfectly summarizing the experience of growing-up in the Santa Cruz mountains.  It talked about her parents raising tough mountain women that knew how to stack wood, dig ditches, and weather the inevitable disasters brought-on…

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