2007 Client Party

On November 13th, we had our first client appreciation party. It was held at Good Tastes in Campbell, CA. (http://www.goodtastes-wineshop.com/) and went very well. Everyone had a great time and are looking forward to doing it again soon. Pictures to follow shortly.

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New Little One.

At 10:55 on Sunday November 4th. We had a new addition to our extended family. Our best friends Kristen and Jay Sanders delivered a new healthy baby boy named Cooper James Sanders. Both mom and baby are doing great and we’ll hopefully have pictures up very soon.

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Grapes have been picked

After a full weekend of work we finally got all the grapes picked. We started picking at 8AM on sunday morning and finished around 7PM. It looks like we picked about 4 and a half tons of grapes. Quite a lot really. You can check out last years wine here:…

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Networking for life

So recently I finished reading a book by Keith Ferrazzi called “Never Eat Alone” that really changed my whole way of thinking about networking. (http://nevereatalone.com) I had always viewed networking as the stuffy, annoying, networking meetings with people running around having very shallow conversations just to get their business card out…

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Major Update

Well it’s been a while since I updated the site so this one will be a doozie. Hopefully I will make a better attempt to keep this updated more regularly. On the home front, we’ve pretty much finished the landscaping on the front and back yard so that’s good. Also…

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