Stimulus Package effects

 Just when you thought some relief may be on the horizon for that new home you’re thinking about purchasing, due to the adjusted conforming loan limits  of to close to $750,00, you read this.  This was e-mailed to me from a friend: Stimulus plan may lead to higher mortgage rates…

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100 Greatest Movies

While on vacation in Mexico, my brother Brett brought up how he had downloaded the “100 Greatest Film” list from AFI. ( Which got us started on how we felt about the list and what movies had not made it.  It was surprising to note that not one Mel Brooks movie…

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Cabo Trip

Cabo Trip On January 3 we took off for a few days in Los Cabos. We had a fantastic time, caught (and released) a total of 11 marlin between the 5 of us, and got a little crazy at CaboWabo Cantina. The weather was great, around 80 degrees all week. And…

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Setting goals

As part of my goal setting plan for December, I’ve been reading a lot of info. I came across this article about setting clear goals on Brian Tracy’s Blog ( I hope you find it as helpful as I did. The Law of Clarity Clarity accounts for probably 80% of success and happiness…

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The Kaizen Way

Over the past couple of years December has become an important month for me. December is about looking back at the past year and planning for the year to come. As part of all this reflection and planning I decided to read One Small Step Can Change Your Life: The Kaizen Way…

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Thanksgiving and the Heritage Turkey

As part of our goal towards eating locally we tried to “hit two stones with one bird”. For part of our thanksgiving feast, we purchased a Heritage turkey from Mary’s Turkeys ( through a local market Mollie Stones. In doing so we accomplished two goals. First the turkey was raised…

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