Tattle Tales

Almost every evening, Teacher Noemi, Teacher Linda W., and especially Teacher Linda C., like to tell tales on Jakey.  To give them credit, they tell all of these tales like little giggly school girls.  He SO has them wrapped around his little finger… First it was bagels.  “Jakey tried to…

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New Shirt

Well, it looks like no one fell for my April Fool’s Joke… Darn it!  J.I.G.2B.A.B.B stood for Jakey Is Going 2 Be A Big Brother.  Good Guess Aunt Sara 🙂  And no, he’s not going to be a big brother.  I’ve never been any good at pulling April Fool’s jokes……

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First Steps

A very wise knitting friend of mine once said, “The first time it happens is when you see it.”  How nerdy is it to refer to my knitting friends?! So according to this little bit of wisdom, JJ never took any steps at school last week and his daddy has…

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We have a winner!

Yesterday we finally found something Jacob wouldn’t eat…  the white part of a hardboiled egg.  It received furrowed eyebrows and then popped right back out.  I tried several more times and was met with a tongue roadblock.  However, not more than three hours later I saw him with a mustard…

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Daddy Texts

This week was my first week at my new job.  I had to go to a beautiful hotel in Healdsburg, eat gourmet food, sleep undisturbed all night long, and go wine tasting.  Why did I stay in engineering so long?… Text, 7:49pm: Jake crawled all around the house.  Looking and…

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The other night, Mr. Grumplemoose reminded me of those career tests you take in high school and it got me thinking… what will Jakey be when he grows-up?  Unfortunately for Jake, Laundry Unfolder is not yet recognized as a true occupation; however, he has shown an aptitude for several potential…

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