The first week I came down to Los Osos was really lonely.  Just me and Hot Lava.  Hot Lava isn’t much of a conversationalist.  I think it was only four days, but for some reason it felt really long.    My evenings were really just a blur of Friday Night Lights on my iPad and McConnell’s ice cream from Santa Barbara.

About a week or so later, the boys move down and I think Jakey starts to feel a little homesick.  During a period when he’s locked-out of Minecraft, he somehow figures out he can text message anyone with an Apple device and thus… his text messaging career begins.  It was a bit startling to wake-up to that text message chime, only to see:


I get a lot of repeat “Mom’s” if I don’t reply quickly.  He’s quite masterful with his emoji.

Despite all our vigilant screen time policing, it was good.  Instead of eating Santa Barbara ice cream, Jake was connecting with anyone he could reach.  Feeling that little spark of excitement one feels when conversing via a particularly timely text exchange.  Auntie Angela has turned out to be his most reliable and creative messaging buddy.

So tonight we were reading Harry Potter in my bed and Jake was picking his nose… Despite my repeated attempts to provide him with a tissue.  Finally I said, “Jacob stop picking your nose!  I will hold you personally accountable if I find any boogers on my side of the bed.”

And he replies, “But I’m not a cannibal. I’ve never even eaten one single person.”

Once I compose myself and explain the meaning of accountable, we both have a good laugh.

I open my little notes app and quickly jot down the conversation and he reaches over and writes, “Hahaha” at the end.


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