Who’s there?

Just over three years ago when we moved into our house, it was right around Halloween.  For some unexplainable reason, our baby monitor was incredibly staticy.  (It appears this may not be a word, but it clearly is a word so stay with me…)  OK, so our baby monitor was really crackly and would go in and out.  And at night it was that spooky night-vision green which also made it especially creepy.  I would lay there in the dark and wonder if maybe we had unknowingly purchased a haunted house.  It’s interesting how you can start believing in ghosts late at night when sleeping in an unfamiliar place.

I would try to comfort myself by thinking that a ghost would never hurt a little innocent baby, right?  Right.  That’s totally a ghost rule.

So then just as inexplicably, the poltergeist static completely stopped and I’ve never noticed it since.  But then, we had Baby Nate and we had him in his crib in the office.  And I’d be in the kitchen and all I would see was the office door silently swing open.  I’d go back and shut it and then a few minutes later…. Creeeeak.  I’d look up and it would be standing wide open again.  Hmmm.  Drafts?  Crooked door jams?  The return of the house ghost inclined to haunt sleeping infants?

Fortunately, before I’d freaked myself out and told James we were moving, I realized it was Nate.  He was able to stand up in his crib, reach out over the side and swing the door open, in complete silence.

Then a few weeks ago Miss Dulce, one of Nate’s teachers at school and our favorite babysitter, came over to watch the boys.  That evening, she confessed to James that she thought our house was haunted.  On previous nights she had watched the office door open itself multiple times and was certain it was a ghost.  Luckily she had discovered it was Nate.  Thank goodness.  I’m still surprised she came back…

This morning James and Jacob and I woke-up because we heard the goose flying past our house honking (this is the second time we’ve gotten the goose wake-up call).  Yes, Jakey climbed in beside me at 4:30 this morning.  He’s working on staying in his bed until the sun comes up and has been making admirable progress.  Anyway, we’re woken up by the goose and we start whispering.  Then we hear the doorknob rattle down the hall.  Some twisting, but no click of the latch.  Then we hear:

Knock, knock, knock, KNOCK.

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