The Next Bubble
There was the Dutch Tulip Bubble, the Dot Com Bubble, the Housing Market Bubble. Potentially not as well recognized, but I think there has definitely been a Starbucks Bubble… quick tangent: James ruined a perfectly good evening for me by announcing that Starbucks is thinking of buying Peet’s. One of the key attributes of our house is that I can walk to Peet’s… I sure hope this trips some sort of antitrust triggers that kill it quickly and permanently.
OK, back to bubbles. So, I’m predicting, with little fanfare, the next great bubble to burst. Remember, you read it here first… Known for its cutting-edge journalism and for out-scooping the competition. So without further ado, the next great bubble to burst will be…
Frozen Yogurt Shops
Whoa! I know. Mind-blowing, huh? Perhaps you have or have not noticed the insane number of fro yo shops popping up everywhere. They offer the new “plain” frozen yogurt which is slightly tangy and comes with numerous topping options. It began with places like Pinkberry and Red Mango and has gone completely buck wild. I’ve also noticed a similar phenomenon in the yogurt isle at Whole Foods. Several years ago there was just Fage Greek yogurt. Now there are prime time commercials for some brand called Chobani. I saw at least 10-15 brands of Greek yogurt just last week. I think this related yogurt market is right on the heels of tangy frozen treats.
So, get your money out of Tutti Frutti, Orange Leaf, and Yumi Yogurt before it’s too late! The more fro yo we buy, the stronger the case for a tax payer bail-out of an industry that is beginning to employ too many Americans.
Baby Nake
As many folks have noticed, Jake is a chatterbox. I’d say at two years old he spontaneously produces at least 250 words and phrases, possibly 300.
Some of my more recent favorites include, “No like it!” Although this one is usually accompanied by tears and/or struggling. I was also quite impressed when we drove by the weird statue at the Egyptian mummy museum and he yelled out, “hippopotamus!” His pronoun confusion on “my, I and you” is also pretty cute, “my drive it” (regarding our car), and “hold you” which means “hold me.”
For quite some time now he’ll pronounce certain words correctly, and then change them up. Most notable is the G and D switcharoo such as grandma to dam-ma and doggie to goggie. There is also the exchange of T with C and K changing kisses to tisses, Covin to Tovin, hot coffee to hot toffee, and cup to tup.
Thus, the latest addition to our family, “Baby Nake.” We hear a lot of “Baby Nake toughing (coughing)” and “Bless you Baby Nake!”
So, until and unless I’m struck with some stroke of blog titling genius, I’ve updated our blog to “Jake & Nake: A Mom’s Opinion.” It sort of has a nice ring to it…
New Roommate
Hap Birday Tooooo Youuuuu
Yesterday was Jake’s second birthday. Finally, when asked how old he is, his favorite answer, “Two!” will be right.
We went on a special just Mommy-Daddy-Jakey date for dinner and dessert. Baby Nate spent the entire evening sleeping in the company of Dam-ma who caught-up on her Japanese natural and man-made disaster news. I predict nightmares.
The service at Pizza Antica was the best we’ve ever had and the birthday boy ate several pieces of Margherita. He had a ball opening his Curious George tin tea set and serving us “hot tea” before dinner. And then downed his peanut butter frosted chocolate cupcake after playing in the fountain at Santana Row and throwing rocks, despite the “Please do NOT throw rocks” sign.
It appeared to be the the perfect birthday night out. I thought so, two.
Meet Baby Nate
We are super excited to let everyone know…
Baby Nathaniel James (Nate) is finally here!
Yes, he arrived 5 days late, but squeaked in fast and furious at 11:45pm on March 1st. As is typically reported, he was 7 lbs. 13 oz. and 20 inches long. His big brother Jake is acting a bit different now that we’re all home, but seems pretty taken with his “Baby Nake.”
I’ll be sure to get back to the blogosphere shortly… believe me, I’m collecting all sorts of new material.
Jaimie, James & Big Brother Jakey
That James
A few weeks ago James says something along the lines of… if this baby is late, it’s definitely a Purnell. My surname’s reputation for timeliness was irreparably damaged when my closest relations missed our pre-wedding photography… NINE years ago. As my mom would say, “That James!”
I just rolled my eyes.
Speaking of rolling, so last night I roll my 40 weeks plus 3 days small pumpkin self into bed for another fitful night’s sleep. James is reading a magazine. I’m starting to doze off when I ask James, “Were you born early, on your due date, or late?”
It’s kind of quiet for too long… I open my eyes. He has a sheepish look on his face and mumbles something that sounds suspiciously like, “I was two weeks late and so was my brother.”
Ummm, what did you just say? I couldn’t possibly have heard you right. Suddenly I don’t feel so sleepy.
“Two weeks late.”
Perhaps I uttered some sort of profanity… who can really remember. The more important question: “When were you going to tell me this?! Were you keeping this a secret?”
“Well, you never asked me directly.”
“So you were keeping this a secret. You know this is going straight into the blog.”
“Yeah, yeah. You’re always tattling on me in the blog.”
Today I confirmed the dreadful truth, straight from Nonna. James was due June 7th and was born June 25th… that’s 18 days late. Brett was born th… th… three weeks late (yes, I’m choking).
You’d think after 15 years I’d know everything there is to know. Although a few years ago I did discover that James plugs his ears by putting his fingers in his ears whereas I was taught to push on my tragus (thanks Google for being able to find anatomical ear vocabulary in less than 3 seconds).
Perhaps Baby Cillo will in fact clear my family’s good name… That James.
40 Weeks: Small Pumpkin
So, it’s February 24th… D-day. I mean B-day! Supposedly.
I guess we’ll see soon enough. They assure me that you can’t stay pregnant forever. So say the “experts.” abandons produce metaphors next week… probably because there seems to be almost no end to how big a pumpkin can get… not really a comforting thought. Pretend I didn’t write that.
Fingers crossed that my next baby blog features an actual baby.
In high school, my friend Alesia and I spent a summer in Mexico living with host families and practicing our Spanish. One conversation I’ll never forget was with our dear friend Yayo. Yayo had a new girlfriend who had signed a note to him, “xoxo.”
“What does “soak-so” mean?” he asked us in Spanish.
“Soak-so?” We were perplexed.
“Oh! XOXO? Hugs and kisses!”
Fast forward more years than I care to count. “Hugs, Mama, hugs. Teeses.” I have to say, Jakey has turned into a truly talented hug and teese giver. At school, Miss Dulce is always commenting on how friendly and sociable our little Romeo is. “He’s been giving hugs and kisses to everyone.” I just can’t understand why I’ve been sick off and on since October…
And just recently, he finally warmed-up to Miss Leti.
Miss Leti seems to be the only person Jake has ever encountered that he didn’t immediately take to. Every morning she would greet him and he would cry and cling and refuse to go to her. I’ve personally had my own challenges with a Leti who stalked and bullied me for weeks in eighth grade… so really, I can’t blame him. But then, a week or two ago, Miss Leti told James that Jakey is the best kisser… he really knows how to give a good smacker.
I too have noticed considerable improvement in his embraces and smooches. His hugs incorporate that all important, genuine squeeze. And whereas his first kisses basically involved him opening his mouth and putting it on your face, or sometimes over your nose, leaving you wet and slobbery– his more evolved pecks do not leave you reaching for your shirt sleeve.
Some mornings when he’s woken-up at 5am and he’s made his way from his crib, into his favorite place with his head in the crook of my neck and his feet kicking his Dad in the back, he’s sometimes overcome with affection. I’ve had a handful of morning wake-ups with almost a dozen kisses planted on my cheeks and forehead. And then mouth-to-mouth whispering, “Mama, baba, Mama.” It’s the sweetest thing.
Yes Man
For at least a year, Jakey’s favorite word has been “no.” It used to be the response to just about everything.
“More cereal?” “No.”
“Do you want a cookie?” “No.”
“Do you want a million dollars?” “No.”
Then a few months ago he started to mix it up with “nope” and “nah.” The worst is when his face turns a deep red and he points his little finger up in the air and shakes with rage as he yells, “NOOOOO!” As previously described, this is sometimes combined with tears springing from his eyes in defiance of gravity.
For maybe three weeks it’s like angels have descended from heaven and blessed us with the most miraculous word. It’s a simple word, one you think you’ve heard a million times and would therefore be unremarkable… and then you hear it and it’s the most beautiful sound you’ve ever heard.
You guessed it: YES.
All of a sudden our questions are validated, endorsed, approved, confirmed. “Yeah.” “Yep.” “Yes.” Accompanied by an affirmative nod. I’ve never appreciated agreeableness so much. It’s even better when followed by, “Daddy, Mama’s funny.”
Is this parenthood heaven?
39 Weeks: Mini Watermelon
Mini watermelon?!
Instead of thinking about produce I’m trying to focus on how excited we are to finally find out who Baby Cillo is. I’m back on the fence about whether it’s a boy or a girl. I just can’t tell this time. It’s definitely not Baby Jake. But it could be a gentle boy, like his daddy. People have also been especially talkative when I’m out and about these days. Either that or I’m looking more approachable than usual. A run-down of the latest guesses:
The Chinese Baby Gender Predictor ( says it’s a girl. It said Jake was a girl.
During my last week of work, in the parking lot, I was hugged by an older Mexican nanny who’s daughter works at Specialty’s. She said it’s a boy, practically kissed my stomach, and gave me a hug goodbye.
In Pizza Antica’s women’s restroom an elderly Eastern European lady declared it a boy, threw her paper towel away and left.
At Trader Joe’s, the mother of two daughters chatted me up while her husband stood quietly in the background. She decided “boy” and wished me luck.
Jill’s mom, Laurie, is in the girl camp. Her husband, Andy, is surprisingly confident in his “boy” prediction.
I’m totally undecided which is not like me. It’s probably because some scientists just decided that the astrological signs are different and are trying to switch me from my highly decisive Libra, to an indecisive Virgo.
What am I sure of?
I’m ready to reconvert my body into an owner-occupied dwelling. OK, “mini” watermelon? This is your official eviction notice. I love you. Get out here. I mean it.