The Lands
About a week ago we were all driving in the car and Jacob says, “Remember that time when Nate was little and he was like, ‘I want to go to all the lands… Disneyland. Legoland. Yogurtland.’”
About a week ago we were all driving in the car and Jacob says, “Remember that time when Nate was little and he was like, ‘I want to go to all the lands… Disneyland. Legoland. Yogurtland.’”
It’s hard to believe we’ve been avid participants in the youth sports world for at least a decade. I started Jake at Off the Wall soccer when he was only about a year and a half old. He just ran around where the coach pointed. I was like, “Yeah, he…
We just got home from the finale of our first CCU tournament of the season. My throat hurts I’m so horse. Get it, we’re the mustangs… sheesh tough crowd. But I totally killed it with my new nickname for the head ref that looks like Colonel Sanders– K Ref C. …
On Tuesday I took Jacob to Dr. Lindsey’s to get his braces on. I stand corrected, his Invisilign. Only eighth graders in the ’20’s would have the option to unapologetically wear masks covering half their faces and have the option of clear teeth straightening. It’s so unfair. As I took…
In August of 2010 I made this list of goals: With James, raise outstanding children. Travel the world. Build a house. Own a business. Give back. I just left the county building with my arms filled with a huge pile of approved plans and after countless years, an official building permit.…
Is it a problem when you’re getting dressed and you find yourself thinking, “Have I had this shirt longer than I’ve had Jacob? Looks like I’ve answered my own question.
The topic of girls remains taboo in this house. I’m fairly certain 51% of the world either doesn’t exist or is invisible, not unlike the rollback of our rights by 50 years. But I digress… I’d never put my sons anywhere near that extremist club. So girls are an unthinkable topic that…
I recently watched a home design video professing the importance of a pantry to a well-run household and thus familial bliss. I’m pretty certain Jacob-the-Bottomless-Pit would agree. At the Park house we put a pantry cupboard in our laundry room when we renovated the kitchen. We don’t have any pantry…
Yesterday I finally escaped 12 straight days of lockdown. 12 days of single-parenting house arrest. I reached my lowest point on the second consecutive Saturday of being trapped in pandemic prison. I chose to go to Paso where it was 94 degrees and sweat it out in my car while…
We’ve passed the two year pandemic milestone and well, it’s finally scaled the cliffs of Squire Canyon, creeped across the dusty drive, slithered over the turf lawn, and climbed right up Jacob’s nose. On the morning of Friday, June third, both boys tested positive. With exactly five days left in…