
It appears I’m an infinite font of stories featuring our local radio DJ, JoJo Lopez.  What up JoJo? Ugh, lesson learned.  Never google radio hosts.  The mismatch of voice to face is purely avoidable self-torture. So for a couple of weeks the boys and I have wanted to call into Talk-About-It-Tuesday.  This is where…

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Lately Jacob is regularly accusing me of being “uncultured.”  It mostly stems from my complete lack of familiarity with globally popular memes, movie lines, and music. It’s the story of my life and I gave up worrying about it when I was his age.  I did not have MTV.  I’ve…

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SLO United

Last Friday I speed pack the Audi for Bako Round 2.  This is the big one.  The All Stars Section 10 playoffs.  There can only be one winner.  And that winner goes to Western States to face the best AYSO All Star teams from California, Arizona, Nevada, Oregon, Washington, and…

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Last year I did a series of posts leading-up to Bakersfield and then fell off the blog wagon.  This year’s an opportunity for redemption. Last Friday I pack up the Audi, pick the boys up after Jacob’s soccer tryouts, and drive two-and-a-half hours to where Southern California’s rec soccer youth’s…

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Cheat Sheet

Nate plays a lot of soccer.  Just ask Uncle B.  Late last year, he generously came to help with shuttling the boys around.  Explaining Nate’s practice schedule was like trying to understand Brett’s career path in the fire fighting system.  I’ve been trying to follow it for years but just never really…

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Every Day

Yesterday was Valentine’s Day.  And when I woke-up I had this almost instant recollection that James and I got engaged on Valentine’s Day.  He’d never really bought into the holiday.  Hallmark holiday blah blah blah.  But he thought that maybe if he proposed it would change his mind.  It didn’t…

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I was expecting last week to be a hard one.  I knew once the celebration was over, the weight of James’ absence and the rest of our lives would spread out before us.  But dude, it was a WEEK.  And to be honest, I’m still recovering… Monday: After school Jacob…

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Today it’s raining again.  We got a brief taste of blue skies and our weather apps are full of little sunshines without emoji clouds, but my rain boots and my Banff coat tell another story.  I’m currently tucked into a coffee shop booth as my car is serviced and I…

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