
Childhood is full of many milestones that most of us have long forgotten: finger snapping, chopsticks, blowing a bubble, pumping a swing. Last week Jacob tied his first bow— on his swim trunks of course.  I haven’t bought any shoes that tie as all shoes that aren’t KEENS are immediately transformed…

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The boys have spent the summer in a traveling Y camp… traversing the entire county of San Luis Obispo.  They’ve walked miles and miles to swimming pools, museums, fire stations, boats, grocery stores, gardens, parks, waterslides and pizza parlors.  Everywhere we go, Nate sees city buses he’s ridden around town–…

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I Spy

A few weeks ago we were spending hours and hours in the car… driving all around California for various moving activities and parties and holidays.  At one point I think we had banned iPads due to various infractions and were rewarded with the following: Jake: “I spy with my little…

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Nate is at least six good months into his “Whaboutif Phase.”  Meaning that every day, most conversations involve him venturing further and further into imaginative what-if scenarios and preposterous proposals.  He asks things like: “Whaboutif you had three eyeballs?” “Whaboutif it flew into the sky and then hit the moon and then crashed into…

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Casi Cielo

Years and years ago, back when James and I first got married, we dreamed of one day moving to San Luis Obispo and building a Spanish-style house.  We envisioned a beautiful view and room to entertain and we called it Casi Cielo… “Almost Heaven” in Spanish. But then we found…

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It’s a bit of a seven year saga that I’m not really in the mood to rehash… but long story short, Jacob has what is called sugar sensitivity.  In a nutshell, his blood sugar is highly volatile and what he eats tips his biochemistry out of whack, wreaking havoc with his emotions…

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The first week I came down to Los Osos was really lonely.  Just me and Hot Lava.  Hot Lava isn’t much of a conversationalist.  I think it was only four days, but for some reason it felt really long.    My evenings were really just a blur of Friday Night…

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Paper Mountain

It’s Day 59 of The Great Move of Two-Thousand and Sixteen.  Those last numbers appear to represent the number of boxes we continue to pack and unpack and repack with our earthly possessions.  As of today, our belongings are in San Jose, in a POD somewhere in the Bay Area,…

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22 o’ June, 2016 Me Dear Tooth Fairy, ‘Tis been donkey’s years since we saw each other at de Fairy, Leprechaun an’ Human Relations Conference.  ‘ope we cross paths again soon!  Oi wanted ter warn yer aboyt a wee 7-year-auld fella named Jacob, as Ah’ve ‘eard through de shamrocks you’ve been visitin’ ‘imself quite…

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This story is a little delayed, but I have a decent excuse, which I’ll get around to sometime soon… here’s a little ditty that gave me a chuckle: It’s mid-May and the boys are both way overdue for a haircut.  We’ve been so wrapped-up with tee-ball and baseball and myriad…

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