All Clear

I’ve done my best not to memorize the anniversaries over the last 18 months.  Well, maybe it’s one part trying and one part not really being able to catch-up.  I’ve come to accept that I’m running about one year behind. There’ve been parts where the days are glacial, and others…

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Thpythee Mint

Our very first autumn in San Luis, we played soccer, of course.  I’ll admit, I’m kind of in love with the plAYSOccer logo for AYSO.  Genius.  That was our first introduction to many of our current Pacheco parent friends.  It’s kind of funny to think back on those early sideline…

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SLO Town

I’ll always remember the first day I drove to work after moving to SLO.  As I made my way down a road, aptly named, Tank Farm, I gazed toward the airport and appreciated the herd of cows grazing not far from the runway.  Upon reflection that seems a bit concerning……

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Bath Bombs

If you don’t count Princess, Perfect, Piper, Lightning and Sando, this place is chock full of boys.  Boy books on armadillos and boy building games and muddy boy shoes and Star Wars boy toothbrushes.  Now I’m not a big shopper, but I like a sunny afternoon wandering through cute shops looking…

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Backseat Driver

When you’re learning Spanish, one of the most defining features is the use of the feminine and masculine, primarily in describing nouns.  Most gringos pick-up on this right away and begin adding “o” to the end of every word.  You know you’ve done it like a million times-o. I’ve always enjoyed…

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When James and I were in college, we had a friend that went by “Jake the Snake.”  Given I’m a Griffindor, or maybe… a Ravenclaw… I was never a fan.  And yet, there’s something about this nickname that really appeals to little boys.  And college sophomores.  I don’t get it. …

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Oh Nonna

Tomorrow is Crazy Sock Day.  Which reminds me of a conversation I had with Nate a week or two ago.  He comes up to the bathroom as I’m doing my make-up and he says, “Mama, guess what’s on my socks.” I look down and he’s wearing a pair of short…

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Sporty Spice

Oh my baby Nake, I can hardly believe you turned 7 years old on March first.  You continue to grow and evolve and become you through and through.  As our annual tradition goes, this post is meant to freeze time for just a moment, painting a picture of seven-year-old Nate.…

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Done Enough

Just in time for the boys’ birthday party on March 17th, we declared the barn “done enough.”  The upstairs is finished… if you don’t count the fact that we’re still waiting for the bathroom mirror and we need to install the barn door handle.  But there are real beds and…

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Rat Bastard

I remember after giving birth to a baby without drugs that the phrase, Hurts like a mother, made… Absolutely. Perfect.  Sense. Lately I’ve found myself thinking the same thing about Rat Bastard… It’s been several weeks since I opened the hood of my car and found the great rodent residence.  And I’ve…

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