Coronavirus Day 31 — Month 1

This week marks one full month from that dreaded Friday the 13th when an email from the school Superintendant, Dr. Prater, made this whole thing real.  Now I look fondly upon that naive me that couldn’t imagine how we’d survive three weeks without school.  And had never heard of Dr. Prater. …

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Coronavirus Day 29 — Food Fighters

When Jacob was little and lacked enough money and lost teeth to afford Pokémon cards, he started making his own.  We have little tiny bits of paper everywhere of imaginative Pokémon cards with 1,000,000,000,000,000 health.  I love them. At some point last year Jake offhandedly comments to me, “Mom, I’ve…

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Coronavirus Day 28 — Easter Sunday

It was about 1:30PM yesterday when the Easter Bunny remembered that today is Easter Sunday.  I guess he’d just been lounging around watering his orchids and updating contractual term sheets or something. He made a quick call to the local chocolatier as he’s very committed to supporting small businesses.  They had a…

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Coronavirus Day 27 — OK

Sometime this winter the phrase “OK Boomer” caught on like wildfire.  It became the talk of the playground.  Over Christmas it was Nate’s go-to embarrassing catch-phrase.  Everywhere we went the boys were busy loudly pointing out “Boomers.”  They’re obsessed.  It’s a bit like those days when little Jake would yell…

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