
Up until this point, Nathaniel has been a man of few words.  In some ways we’ve welcomed the reprieve from holding-up the other end of yet another 16-hour conversation.  But there is also that kernel of worry that your baby will forever sound like Tarzan. So it has come as…

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Early this year I was talking to James from my office phone.  I’m not exactly sure what transpired… I probably asked an innocent question about dinner which was not well received and James said something to the effect of, “It sure must be nice being Don Draper.” Now if you…

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Fall is in the air and everyone’s still a little jumpy since Halloween.  Although the plastic is down and the kitchen is now accessible and well lit (but essentially empty Fernando), Nate still can’t enjoy his dinner.  And the day after All Hallows’ Eve, Jake’s teacher Miss Letty did something…

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Is that Jacob in a ballet class?  Wow, you guys are so progressive. Alas, that’s not a picture of Jake.  That’s a picture of his clandestine twin, Mayme Rose, who lives across the entire country and elected to wear her identical lion costume to ballet class on her birthday earlier…

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