Aye Patch

First there was the hammer (T), then the shoe (L).  This week during bathtime Jake held up the U, “Look!  Horseshoe, Mama.” A bit later he’s holding the O up to his eye.  “Jakey, do you have an “O” on your eye?” “No.  Eye patch, Mama.” “I see.  Are you a pirate?”…

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Yard Sale

After Jake’s Saturday with Geoff and Angela, we got the following e-mail: I forgot to mention that the best part of the short lived goose hunt was Jakey embarrassing his Auntie An-la-la by pointing and yelling at the top of his lungs to the cute little white house across the…

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So Tired

We had a rough night last night.  For some reason Jake woke-up begging for agua and then screamed and cried for twenty minutes.  “I want to go in the big bed, Mamaaaaaa.  I want big aguaaaaaaaaaaaaaa…” This morning Jakey was hanging out as I was getting ready for work.  “Jacob,…

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Lights Out

On Saturday, Jakey went to Uncle Geoff and Auntie Angela’s while the rest of us went car shopping. Eighty-some degrees and Nate was all smiles and patience and oohs and aahs when it came to test driving SUVs for three hours.  He didn’t grumble or grimace once.  Such a boy!  I totally…

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Eu de Nake

Today is Natesy’s 4-month birthday! I can hardly believe it has already been four months since we were blessed with the sweetest little boy with the biggest grin.  It’s going too fast. Today I decided everyone on the train is super jealous that I can just bury my face in the…

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Turf Wars

I’m scared. Apparently there’s a lion in my house… Well, there’s a yi-yon in my house… And only Jacob can see it. Now I wouldn’t be that alarmed except that I recently found out someone we know has a real bobcat living in their house.  Houseguests are afraid to go to…

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As previously mentioned, Baby Nate does a lot of bubble blowing.  He’s like a little motorboat. I said he does a lot of motorboating and then someone told me what that means (the least offensive of the offensive slang definitions).  That’s not exactly what I meant…

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