Category: Jake: A Mom’s Opinion
Wanted: Baby Reprogrammer
Wanted: Baby Reprogrammer SDM (Sleep Deprived Mommy) seeks CBP (Ceritified Baby Reprogrammer) for coding, patch installation, and general maintenance of 4am WCS (Wake-up Call Service) in adjacent room. Guaranteed work twice per year during Daylight Saving Time. Operating system unknown; potentially Windows as is prone to crashing. Money is no object.
What do giraffe’s eat?
Question: WWFD: What Would Foochi Do? Answer: WWF: World Wrestling Federation. I’m not really sure what his stage name and costume would look like… Maybe a rabid squirrel with a cape? (Obviously given those cheeks and that drool.) But, I do know what his signature moves would be (written from…
The smell of trouble?…. Rosemary.
We all have meltdowns on occasion. Preferably, we stagger them so that someone maintains a certain level of rational thinking and emotional stability. But really, who has time for strategic meltdown scheduling? So, a couple of days ago we noticed Jakey’s first tooth: lower front right– I should have asked Dr. Castro what…
Goodnight old lady whispering “hush”?!
OMG, like gag me with a spoon…
Saying Baby Jacob is a hungry kid is, well, an understatement. Some of his first nicknames centered around the easy to recognize “Piggy Face”, “Hungry Face”, and the infamous “Hand Samiches”. This hunger may have contributed to two incidents: 1) I experienced my first bout of Bad Mom Guilt thinking…
James is CEO of CIO. Chief Executive Officer of Cry-It-Out. The theory goes that after 3 to 4 nights of crying, babies stop whaling and sleep through the night. The theory fails to mention that CIO must be reimplemented after every cold, change in routine, or ethereal dental milestone. Today…
Jakey’s nails are dangerous. His dad likes to call them his “clavos” or “nails” in Spanish. Not the soft pearly nails that protect your delicate fingers. Nails like the sharp steel daggers people use to hold wood together. One day Teacher Linda C. showed me bloody scratches on her neck. …
F is for Fondue
Wanted: Baby Reprogrammer
Wanted: Baby Reprogrammer SDM (Sleep Deprived Mommy) seeks CBP (Ceritified Baby Reprogrammer) for coding, patch installation, and general maintenance of 4am WCS (Wake-up Call Service) in adjacent room. Guaranteed work twice per year during Daylight Saving Time. Operating system unknown; potentially Windows as is prone to crashing. Money is no object.
What do giraffe’s eat?
Question: WWFD: What Would Foochi Do? Answer: WWF: World Wrestling Federation. I’m not really sure what his stage name and costume would look like… Maybe a rabid squirrel with a cape? (Obviously given those cheeks and that drool.) But, I do know what his signature moves would be (written from…
The smell of trouble?…. Rosemary.
We all have meltdowns on occasion. Preferably, we stagger them so that someone maintains a certain level of rational thinking and emotional stability. But really, who has time for strategic meltdown scheduling? So, a couple of days ago we noticed Jakey’s first tooth: lower front right– I should have asked Dr. Castro what…
Goodnight old lady whispering “hush”?!
OMG, like gag me with a spoon…
Saying Baby Jacob is a hungry kid is, well, an understatement. Some of his first nicknames centered around the easy to recognize “Piggy Face”, “Hungry Face”, and the infamous “Hand Samiches”. This hunger may have contributed to two incidents: 1) I experienced my first bout of Bad Mom Guilt thinking…
James is CEO of CIO. Chief Executive Officer of Cry-It-Out. The theory goes that after 3 to 4 nights of crying, babies stop whaling and sleep through the night. The theory fails to mention that CIO must be reimplemented after every cold, change in routine, or ethereal dental milestone. Today…
Jakey’s nails are dangerous. His dad likes to call them his “clavos” or “nails” in Spanish. Not the soft pearly nails that protect your delicate fingers. Nails like the sharp steel daggers people use to hold wood together. One day Teacher Linda C. showed me bloody scratches on her neck. …