27 Weeks: Cauliflower

Today is the last day of our 27th week… cauliflower week.  And tomorrow starts the highly anticipated… or dreaded, third trimester.  Cillo and I are starting to get a bit tired. I’ve written before about Jakey calling me “Daddy” since he changed schools in June.  At least 4 months, maybe…

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I may have mentioned that Jake has been in a phase of repeating the end of every sentence he hears, non-stop.  It’s crazy, but he can say almost anything.  He’s quite the little parrot.  Some of his more recent utterances: James: “Can you scrape out the pumpkin guts?” Jake: “Punkin…

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They’ve Found Me

I am drowning in toy catalogs.  Someone, somewhere in the universe has used sophisticated software to determine my age.  They’ve connected this information up with my name and address.  And now they’ve chosen the drop-down choice, undoubtedly labeled: kid.  I highly suspect Pottery Barn as the evil creator and commercial…

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25 Weeks: Rutabaga

I’m wondering what a rutabaga even looks like?  I recently had to Google “quince” as I also didn’t have a clear mental image of this mysterious fruit.  Frankly I think lemon-pear might be a better name, not unlike my favorite salad fruit, the pear-apple.  Now that I’ve Googled rutabaga, my…

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Mission Accomplished

Yesterday was November 14th… exactly two weeks since Operation: Bye Bye Nigh-Nigh began, as well as Jake’s 20th birthday.  The deadline.  D-Day.  Who can believe I’m old enough to have a child who’s 20?!  I know, I know… how do I look so young? Under most circumstances, secret missions such…

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A Case of Torture

There’s some well-known reference to watching the Giants play baseball being akin to “torture.”  Apparently they can be inconsistent, letting the other team start to make a comeback before finishing them off.  Over the last three weeks we’ve had our fair share of torture.  Below, the evidence: Exhibit A: James…

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