38 Weeks: Leek
Somehow leek week passed me by in a blur. I have to say that leek was a much better mental labor image than…
Somehow leek week passed me by in a blur. I have to say that leek was a much better mental labor image than…
On January 31st, James and I had our first joint parent teacher conference with Miss Dulce. It was very positive and she said Jakey is getting ready for literacy. I’m assuming this means correctly identifying letters given his current penmanship? He’s also started transitioning to the next “big boy” classroom…
Jakey has been saying some pretty cute things these days. A list of my favorites: “Up or down. Up or down.” (Clearly he wants up, but for some reason he’s added this second option, as though he’s giving us a choice.) “Seat down, Mama. Seat down.” (This week in the…
Yesterday was a beautiful sunny day, and Jakey’s first trip to the Monterey Bay Aquarium. We saw otters, fishies, birdies, flamingos, pelicans, jellyfish, sharks and whales. On the walk from the parking lot to the wharf we witnessed numerous bicycles as they whizzed toward us. A man with a helmet…
Yesterday James and I walked to Peet’s in the afternoon. James: “Wow. Why are there so many birds in the sky?” Jaimie: “I don’t see any birds.” James: “See all those white birds, way up there? How can you not see that?” Jaimie (squinting to see tiny white specks, literally…
This afternoon Cillo put on his/her own halftime show during Super Bowl XLV (45). Both James and my dad noticed the belly dance that was occurring at my end of the couch. Perhaps it was the hamburger, chocolate cheesecake cupcake or potato skins that were on today’s menu? Swiss chard…
Jake’s car seat has been facing forward for quite some time now. He loves it because he’s part of the conversation… and he’s like a little king in his backseat thrown, declaring, proclaiming, and decreeing his every thought. Frankly, I’ve been ignoring the majority of the important comings and goings…
This week is my first official full week off on baby leave. Hallelujah. Technically last Friday was my first free day. James and I spent our Fandango card which has been gathering dust since October and saw The King’s Speech– good one. And we went out to lunch. And we…