The Next Bubble

There was the Dutch Tulip Bubble, the Dot Com Bubble, the Housing Market Bubble.  Potentially not as well recognized, but I think there has definitely been a Starbucks Bubble… quick tangent: James ruined a perfectly good evening for me by announcing that Starbucks is thinking of buying Peet’s.  One of…

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Baby Nake

As many folks have noticed, Jake is a chatterbox.  I’d say at two years old he spontaneously produces at least 250 words and phrases, possibly 300. Some of my more recent favorites include, “No like it!”  Although this one is usually accompanied by tears and/or struggling.  I was also quite…

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That James

A few weeks ago James says something along the lines of… if this baby is late, it’s definitely a Purnell.  My surname’s reputation for timeliness was irreparably damaged when my closest relations missed our pre-wedding photography… NINE years ago.  As my mom would say, “That James!” I just rolled my…

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40 Weeks: Small Pumpkin

So, it’s February 24th… D-day.  I mean B-day!  Supposedly. I guess we’ll see soon enough.  They assure me that you can’t stay pregnant forever.  So say the “experts.” abandons produce metaphors next week… probably because there seems to be almost no end to how big a pumpkin can get……

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In high school, my friend Alesia and I spent a summer in Mexico living with host families and practicing our Spanish.  One conversation I’ll never forget was with our dear friend Yayo.  Yayo had a new girlfriend who had signed a note to him, “xoxo.” “What does “soak-so” mean?” he…

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Yes Man

For at least a year, Jakey’s favorite word has been “no.”  It used to be the response to just about everything. “More cereal?”  “No.” “Do you want a cookie?”  “No.” “Do you want a million dollars?”  “No.” Then a few months ago he started to mix it up with “nope”…

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