This morning I was waking-up and drinking my “hot tea” and Jake was playing with his pretend food. Jacob: “Mama, dinnertime.” Mama: “Mmmmm. What’s for dinner?” Jacob: “Breakfast!”
This morning I was waking-up and drinking my “hot tea” and Jake was playing with his pretend food. Jacob: “Mama, dinnertime.” Mama: “Mmmmm. What’s for dinner?” Jacob: “Breakfast!”
There’s a new phrase on the scene, “I did already.” Its versatility and applicability to almost any parent-produced question is quite remarkable. Q: Jakey, do you want to use the potty? A: I did already. Q: Jacob, let’s go wash hands. A: I did already. Mama, I did already. Q:…
Yesterday was the first time Natesy said something to me. Some little ooh’s and aah’s. As Jake would put it, “Baby Nake say? Baby Nake say? See him! See him.” Hearing Nathaniel’s voice just melts my heart.
Last night James had used our handled wire mesh strainer to drain something while making dinner. Jakey got one look at it in the bottom of the sink and declared, “Butterflies! I catch it!” We took the “butterfly net” outside and he spent at least an hour swinging it around. …
Today’s Nate’s 1 month birthday! He is just the sweetest little baby. This week he has found his smile. It is so cute, but too fleeting for me to capture. In other news, he’s already losing his hair. Baby pattern baldness. I’d say Jake’s baldness served him quite well……
When you’re in your thirties, you think you know yourself. And then you find you live with a two-year-old. It began with our car. I went to Jake’s school to pick him up at the end of the day and he fought me like a warrior when it came to…
When asked by his teachers what Baby Nate looks like, Jake replied, “Cute.”
As most people know, we have yet another kid. No, not as in human child… as in baby goat. I didn’t think it was possible that we could produce another youngster we would be inclined to call Goat Boy, but, alas, it is true. When we brought Baby Jakey home,…
Last night Jake asked us to read him “Mugger Goose! Mugger Goose!” You know… nursery rhymes like Mary Had A Little Habit, Georgie Forgie, The House That Jack Tagged, and Little Ho Peep. The classics.