Au Naturel

I recently learned a special little tidbit about one of my dearest friends who I’ve known since pre-school.  She has pictures on her iPhone of what I’ll call “heart sightings.”  Jenny explained to me that one day she asked the universe for a sign and now she sees hearts everywhere…

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I’d like to warn the world that on or near 7pm, each and every night, it’s “Naked Jacob Time.”  Technically, it’s actually bath time, but this involves taking off all his clothes… which if you weren’t aware, is apparently one of the most exciting things that can ever happen to…

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The Bodyguard

Ever since we brought Natesy home from the hospital, I’ve acquired yet another skill set, that of bodyguard.  People always ask, “How is Jake doing with the new baby?” Yes, there have been the requisite swats and head bonks, but mostly, it’s like Nate is a high-powered magnet and Jake…

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Tonight I tried to recreate this amazing tapa I had a few weeks ago with the Guapas in Palo Alto.  It consisted of prosciutto with melon balls sprinkled with chili salt… delithioso.  This dish may represent the turning point in my lifelong protest against melons and their close cousins: squash.…

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During the first week of May we took our first family trip.  We haven’t gone anywhere for a week since James and I visited Machu Picchu in March of 2008.  Cabins without indoor plumbing don’t count… This long-awaited expedition was to one of my most favorite places in the world,…

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Brakiki & Balilies

At our house, we talk a lot about Brakiki and Balilies… Nope, these aren’t tropical vacation destinations in Southeast Asia.  Translation: broccoli and blueberries.  Technically balilies are also strawberries, cranberries, olallieberries… well, all berries really. These vocabulary concoctions conjure images of Jake lounging on a white sand beach while I…

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Sleep Easy

Yesterday was May 1st– Nate’s two month birthday.  He’s not even remotely little anymore, what happened?  It also happened to be the day that the government announced they have finally killed Osama Bin Laden. And on the exact same night that the United States finally cornered its nemesis, Nate slept…

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Last night after dinner we’re playing on the living room floor and Jake starts asking about jellybeans. “Mama, jellybeans go?” “Jellybeans?  What jellybeans?”  (I’m pretty sure I covertly emptied all jellybean filled plastic eggs into the trash during nap time… before they could be burned into his memory.) “No, Mama,…

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