Ready or Not

Today’s Natesy’s 9-month birthday!  I can hardly believe how fast he is growing up.  Happy Birthday my adorable baby… or should I say big boy?! It seems he’s just become horizontally mobile and then… last Friday, the day after Thanksgiving, he pulled himself up into a standing position.  I just…

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Sigma Zu

Maybe it’s all this talk of the Greek debt crisis.  Maybe it’s just that “back to school” time of year.  I’ve come to a distinct and indisputable truth… I’m the only girl… living in a frat house.  And my fraternity house is called Sigma Zu. Case in point: * Cars…

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On Thursday, Nathaniel’s school form came home with the following note: “Nate loves plain banana.  I didn’t add cereal.  He ate most of it without complaint.” I’m happy to see he’s become so adventurous.  Now his diet consists of: milk wooden train tracks paper towels tin tea cups bananas This…

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