Potty Patrol

We’ve officially completed week 1 of Potty Training.  It’s been cold turkey.  Hard core.  A full court press.  As Grandma puts it, the Pee Pee Police are on duty… literally.  So far it’s going pretty darn well.  We’ve caught ourselves sinking to new levels of bribery… I mean positive reinforcement. …

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We’ve already crossed doctor off the list based on pumpkin guts.  And now, his future career as a fortune teller has already crashed and burned…  before it ever got off the ground. Baby Zinger was born happy and healthy this morning via C-section.  Drum roll please… it’s a boy!  Somehow,…

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Baby ZEve

Tomorrow is Baby Zinger’s birthday!  If anyone is out there reading this blog, Baby Zinger is my brother Geoff’s very first baby.  Geoff’s wife Angela’s maiden name is Zing… thus the nickname.  Little Baby Zinger will be born on the 20th, just like its maternal grandmother and of course, favorite…

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Wholey Moly

The last two weekends in a row I’ve been talked into visiting Whole Paycheck with one of the munchkins.  Talked into or perhaps, voluntold.  A new corporate-ism I’ve just added to my vocabulary… apparently it’s been in use for quite some time. So, two weeks ago I took Nate and…

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