
Both Nakesy and Jakey have been quite talkative lately.  Well, with Jake, lately is defined as forever.  Every day I continue to marvel as his vocabulary grows.  Conversations are always more lively as he throws in: camouflage, ginormous (apparently a real word as of the 2007 publishing of Merriam-Webster), “gust”…

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Herding Cats

I’ve written many times about my kids’ clavos (that’s nails in Spanish… the steel kind).  Clipping Natesy’s nails is currently akin to amputation.  Haircuts fall into the same category. Me: “Jakey, I think maybe we better cut your nails.” Jacob: “No, Mama.  I need my sharp claws to climb trees…

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Back when JJ was little I remember these bipolar swaths of time where for weeks, Dada was the unrivaled favorite.  There was an interminable era when I was expected to answer to Dada.  Then I’d unknowingly surge from behind and leave him in my dust as the most adored. Let’s…

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So this is one of those posts that teenage Jake will undoubtedly roll his eyes, cross his arms and moan, “Mooooom.”  At what age will I have to take this blog private?  Another problem for another day… Last night I’m laying with Jakey in the bottom bunk, reading books, and…

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Tempting Fate

Have I mentioned Nate is the perfect sleeper?  We literally kiss him good night (remind me to write more on this later), zip him into his little sleep sack, hand him his nigh-nigh, he rolls over and lights out.  Meanwhile I hear Jakey sneaking down the hallway right now…  ‘scuse…

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I’ve always felt like little girl clothes were the cutest thing in the world, second only to little girl shoes.   Little boy clothes are almost exclusively blue or brown or sometimes plaid… in blue and brown. I’m always going into stores and am pulled by an invisible magnet into the…

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The New Agua

Just when we thought Nathaniel’s vocabulary had devolved into a single word, “agua,” it has reversed course and evolved substantially in less than two days. Wednesday evening, his jazz hands sign language was accompanied by the actual words, “All done!”  Well, maybe it was “All da!”  But still, that is…

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16 Month Stats

On Thursday I took Natesy to Dr. Antsy’s for his 15-month well-baby check-up.  Yes, he’s 16 months and is currently a snot factory… I do my best. So I’m filling out the questionnaire and it asks things like: “Can your child walk?”  Check. “Can your child run?”  Check. “Does your…

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Come to think of it, Heineken has always been one of Granddad’s favorite beers.  And speaking of beer… Last weekend we’re all at the dinner table and the big one says to me, “Mama, is Jacob big enough to have beer yet?”  It seems he thought posing this question in…

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This morning’s conversation in Mommy and Daddy’s bed, post sippy-cups: Mama: “Natesy, sit down on your bottom.  We do not stand in bed.” Jacob: “On your heinie, Nake!” Mama: “Who taught you that word?” Jacob: “Granddad.” Mama: “I knew you were gonna say that.”

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