
I’m afraid of grapes.  And hot dogs.  Mini blind cords give me pause.  Basement steps; restless.  And thoughts of unfenced pools?  I can’t even talk about it. Yesterday we put plastic up in the two doorways to the kitchen.  Anyone who has remodeled does not harbor delusions of dust obstruction. …

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When Jacob was little he spoke quite a bit of Spanish.  Some of his first words were musica (music), baila (dance), oso (bear), pan (bread) and agua (water).  He even pronounced agua with the right accent (sounds like awa), though now he’s somehow picked-up the non-native hard “g.”  Go fiyure.…

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So today I went trekking through Garagelandia… a remote and generally overlooked part of Balconia.  I encountered numerous ruins.  The remains of previous lives such as golf clubs and mountain bikes…  And as I was sifting through the detritus, I felt the metal shelves begin to buckle.  I found myself…

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Sabbatical Eve

Tonight is officially sabbatical eve.  In just two short days I’m off to Balconia for all of October and November.  I.  Can’t.  Wait. “Balconia, where is that?” people say.  It sounds so exotic.  So romantic.  So secluded.  Is that near Estonia?  The Balkans? Balconia is apparently what you say when…

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I’d say it’s time for a rundown of what 18-month-old Big Boy Nate is saying these days.  We’ve got, in alphabetical order: agua, all done, apple, baba, ba(ll), bir(die), boo(k), button, bye-bye, dada, ho(t), JJ, mama, nigh-nigh, upordown, up, and mo(re).  Plus we get tongue clack galloping (when asked what…

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