Dr. Antsy

On Thursday we all went to see Dr. Antsy for our annual well big boy check-ups.  Jakey started calling Dr. Nancy, Dr. Antsy, quite some time ago.  We don’t have any funny grandparent names… but we do have Dr. Antsy. So the night before, I tried to prepare Jakey.  I…

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Get 4

Eleven days ago, Jacob James turned the big 4.  I’m running a bit behind on my commemorative blogging… and maybe a few other things *cough laundry cough*.  He’s been talking about when he “gets 4” for months now.  And now that he’s reached it, he’s already talking about when he…

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Back when I spent time going to the gym, watching movies and eating out at places without crayons, I did not have even the slightest knowledge of what I call “clothes management.”  This is the phenomenon whereby I am required to sift through the clothing of my rapidly growing children…

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Scaredy Cat

Natesy is going through a bit of a fearful phase.  He’s not keen on dogs.  Swimming lessons have been rough, and clearly there was the kitchen demolition plastic ghost chapter.  Speaking of ghosts, apparently while I was away on business, James got a steaming bowl of food out of the…

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No It All

I’m always thinking about names for businesses that I’ll most certainly never have.  Why, Jaimie?  You could open a business.  Yes, yes I could.  But really, it’s unlikely I’ll open a chain of drinking establishments called the Crow Bar and Sand Bar and Bar Mitvah and Bar Bacoa.  I don’t…

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There was once a time when I was constantly being followed by organic baby puffs.  They’re these little cereal-like rings that taste like the Host and purport to be made of spinach and beet juice and other nutritious sounding ingredients.  They were stealthy… always looking so innocent once they were…

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