Author: Jaimie
Mother’s Day
Have I ever told you about one of the best days of my life? I think it was a Friday, I’m not entirely sure. In any case, it felt like a Friday. You know that Friday feeling. I do know that I got on the train and instead of opening…
Operation 2: Mission Accomplished
Operation 2: Day 1
Nate woke-up in his usual way this morning: flicking the light switch on and off and then knocking loudly until I finally put down my make-up brush and delivered the little prince, his baybit, and his nigh-nigh via his royal litter to the comfort of the warm spot in the…
Those of you who follow this blog may remember the great kitchen remodel of 2012. No, that’s not the number of months it took, that’s the year it finally ended. Or did it bleed into 2013? Who can remember, my life is a blur. Anyway, so part of that remodel…
The Last Sucker
Blog 3.0
So I’m trying out a new blog name. Sucking it in and squeezing into it. Checking it out in the mirror from behind… it’s growing on me. My original name, Jake: A Mom’s Opinion, was inspired by a regular column in Glamour magazine called Jake: A Man’s Opinion. But I…
Little Bonnie
This morning Jacob dictated his first written work to me. He wants me to print it out for his “My Animals’ Book.” Little Bonnie lost his friends and couldn’t find them. And then he found colors. And then he found them. And then they played more hide and seek. And…