Season 6

Today happens to be Natesy’s half birthday.  I forgot it was the first and so I’ve completely failed on the cupcake front… but the child did have donut holes, a hot dog, Doritos, ice cream and two cookies today.  That’s what happens when you wake up at your grandparents’ house,…

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High Dive

It appears I make rash, questionable decisions early in the morning.  Specifically in the 6:00 hour.  And maybe more specifically when it comes to The Facebook. You may remember I joined the social network almost exactly three months ago, with the sole purpose of helping my dad create a group…

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Breaking Bad

No, that’s not the title of our latest discipline program— that’s the reason I’ve become an erratic blogger.  Though it seems in the last two weeks someone has clued Nate into the whole concept of the terrible two’s and so perhaps… this theme will continue. But let’s get back to…

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Back in the summer of 2007 BK (before kids), we took a one night roadtrip to Portland.  And we fell in love.  With Portland that is.  We were already in love. It’s like an east coast city on the west coast.  I’m surprised my parents didn’t land there as it…

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Yesterday I was on the train, luxuriating in the fact that I had a brand new digital magazine to read.  I came across an article about Vermont and some amazing looking artisanal cheese and started daydreaming about how we’ve always wanted to do the old New England road trip in…

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Victory & Defeat

It’s been a week of many highs and lows… and it’s only Wednesday. Victory: Monday morning I heard Jacob wake-up and use the bathroom.  Then after several minutes of silence, I got scared he was cutting his own hair or drinking mouthwash.  Turns out he had crawled back into his…

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Do you remember the day… after you’d read two or three Harry Potter books… when you found out (to your great relief), that it wasn’t pronounced Herm-ee-own?  Me, too.  It was like a powerful weight had been lifted from my shoulders.  I’d been having such trouble relating to a girl…

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A Lot

Nathaniel is just coming up on two and a half years old.  As you can see, I am not one of those parents with a 30 month old child.  Puhleeze. Now he has been quite the verbal super star of late.  Going from his little observant self to Mr. Talky…

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I spend a lot of time telling stories.  Reading them, writing them, and coming up with ones I can “tell with my mouth.”  Every night Jacob challenges me to dig up a new, untold story he’s never heard before. It started out with just stories about pets I had when…

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Back in late May we took a family trip to the San Francisco zoo.  It was one of our best visits to date.  Uncle Geoff and Auntie An-la-la and Baby Devon all came, too— Devon’s inaugural visit. The zoo had a baby tiger that came running to eat a big…

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