Dear Santa

Dear Santa, I’ve been thinking about what I’d like for Christmas and here is the list.  I want a lot of things. A boiling water maker to make stew and everything with hot water A real pirate ship high to the clouds A bike that shoots puffs of smoke out…

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Before Jakey’s third birthday he was relentless about one thing: a Jeep. Grandma and Granddad got him a monster-truck-like Jeep from the flea market.  I bought him a little preschooler remote control Jeep.  He opened them all with feigned enthusiasm.  Honestly.  You could practically hear the “eh” in his little two-year-old…

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Cowboy Music

We’re always quizzing our kids.  I’m convinced it makes them smarter.  Or at least passes the time on long car rides without investing in a fancy in-car DVD player. We test them a lot on flags.  There is no logic as to the subjects of these pop quizzes.  Two weekends…

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Bottle Cap

I think I’ve let three weeks go by without commemorating the end of our 4 pound bottle of ketchup.  64 ounces… dusted.  I don’t know how I could let such a momentous occasion pass by. Looks like that bottle lasted us five months, which means we’re averaging about a pound…

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Fraidy Cat

Jakey is all bones and elbows and knees these days, but Nate… Nate is incredibly edible.  I don’t know if it’s his pudgy hands, his over-the-waistband tummy… those curls?  And I’m not the only one who’s noticed.  Everybody just wants to eat him up. So, clearly he is afraid of being…

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Halloween: Nate’s Perspective

As I’ve mentioned, Nate is perpetually Superman.  “I’m Superman.  I FLY!” (crash) It’s probably been about two weeks of: Superman shirt into Superman pajamas into Superman shirt into Superman pajamas.  I’m embarrassed to admit that last week I sent him to school in his brother’s dirty Superman shirt because it…

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My mom tells this story about how one day I came home from kindergarten and declared earnestly, “Pointing with your middle finger is against the school rules.” Of course my mom had to test this decree, “Why Jaimie?” “I don’t know… it just is.” And there you have it. A…

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Jake has brought home a couple of new Room 7 songs to add to the family playlist and they go like this: I’m a little acorn brown lying on the cold, cold ground. Everybody steps on me, ‘cuz I am a nut you see. I’m a nut, (clack-clack) I’m a…

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Hot Lava & Boobooboos

I can’t believe I’ve let almost two entire weeks pass without mentioning… ANNOUNCING… the two newest members of our family!  *gasp* You broke the “no pets till you’ve reached the point where you can be trusted with your own steak knife” rule?  Not me, my friend.  James.  He’s also the…

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