
Have I mentioned it’s baseball season and flag football season?  Probably not.  Because instead of blogging I’ve been taxiing people around multiple times a week at 4PM.  Coordinating high protein snacks and luring them into multiple practices a day via kettle chip.  Apparently Kristen’s husband, Jay, calls himself Jyft.  Naturally, I’ve…

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Double Haiku

Nate’s second grade class seems to be deep into their trimester on poetry.  Crazy that I remember learning about poetry in second grade, too— Mr. McGuire’s class.  This week Nate decided to switch-up his format and proposed he “write a haiku.” “Wow, OK…” was my response.  “Remind me how a…

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Catch Phrase

Last weekend we’re walking to our baseball game across the Sinsheimer parking lot; we’re on the Dodgers.  Apparently James can’t find it in himself to cheer, “Go Dodgers!”  Fortunately, I don’t suffer from this affliction… In any case, I think I float the idea of the boys going to a…

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Nate’s Eight

My Dearest Natesy Cakes, No matter how hard I try to stop time, you just keep getting bigger and bigger.  You woke-up on the morning of your birthday and were certain you were taller.  I measured you and of course, you were.  In my annual tradition, it’s time for a mini…

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Cuteness Deficiency

A few weeks ago we had our buddies Cruz and Jackson over for a fightdate.  As they were readying the foam arsenal I called out, “No shooting until you get yourselves over to the eye protection drawer!”  And Jackson asks in all sincerity, “What’s an eye protection drawer?”  Right before…

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A few months ago, I presented to a large audience at work using a LEGO analogy.  Yes, that’s how I roll.  Part of my hook was a tongue-in-cheek comment about probably having more invested in a particular asset than I did in my employer’s stock.  I saw a flash of interest in…

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Why not?

Nate has an uncanny knack for people’s names.  Learning them.  Recalling them.  He’s quite adept at navigating his “Russia 2018 World Cup” program, using the table of contents, to confirm what he already knows to be true: Mbappe plays for Paris Saint-Germain.  He knows most everybody’s national team and club.…

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The Perfect Storm

Have I mentioned how I totally screwed-up?  Yep.  Completely.  Mama-llama-ding-dong. I signed-up for basketball and flag football and baseball.  In my defense, it’s impossible to tell by their infrequently updated websites when the seasons will start and stop.  The boys have been begging to play flag football for possibly two…

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Around Thanksgiving, Maestra Vega started socializing an upcoming fourth grade poetry assignment: Memorize and recite 25 lines of poetry in Spanish.  No cue cards.  No help.  It can be one or two poems.  Plus utilize all of your best presentation skills such as eye contact, projecting your voice, hand movements.  No…

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