Jacob’s Twelve

My dearest Jacob, Let’s just pretend it’s springtime off last year and I haven’t fallen victim to the pandemic blahs and watching endless hours of Survivor and… drumroll please… it’s Jacob’s birthday letter time!  I do in fact think twelve-and-three-quarters truly suits you, and I know most people have never said that about…

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Back on January 11, 2016, I started this blog and then saved it in my drafts folder.  I was actively trying to land a new job and certainly didn’t want to stall my chances via one Google search linking my name and the word Barforama… So here we are, having landed that job,…

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Nate’s World 2

On my birthday I woke-up early of my own accord.  Kind of normal but usually I gauge the time based on how many rooster wake-up calls I’ve endured.  Where was the cock-a-doodle-doing?  Must be a special bout of birthday luck.  I didn’t give it much thought and enjoyed my first…

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As I think I’ve mentioned, after school car rides are the best time to get all the hot goss.  I especially hear a lot of stories on Mondays and Wednesdays, when I’m in charge of getting Nate and Cruz to Mustangs practice. Last week Nate casually mentions they “kind of had…

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Scare Farm

This past Saturday, Jake mentioned something called the Scare Farm happening that night.  I heard eighth graders and Halloween and I gathered it was going to be like a haunted house, but on a farm… how very San Luis Obispo.  Our neighbor, Mckinley, was in town and she oriented me to…

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This morning we took a drive to the Elfin Forest for a morning boardwalk walk and some Thai food.  The boys are in the backseat and my potential future birthday present comes up as a topic of conversation.  Nate usually goes straight to the purse theory.  Always a solid supposition.  But…

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