I Miss the Vegetables

When I was preggers, I got an e-mail every week from BabyCenter.com telling me approximately how big the baby was (http://www.babycenter.com/slideshow-baby-size).  Heirloom tomato, spaghetti squash, rutabaga, 4 navel oranges, and jicama stick in my memory.  I would update my prenatal yoga class each week when we did our roundtable.  I…

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Jake-up Call

This morning I woke-up at exactly 5am.  5:00.  I’m not really sure why I’m still setting my alarm clock. I’ve tried to break-up with my alarm clock in the past.  Two years ago I looked at my Sony Cube and thought… Hmmmmm, maybe it’s time to upgrade from the clock/radio…

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I blame NBC…

We have dark circles under our eyes…  We yawn during the day… We have to hit the snooze button three times before dragging ourselves out of bed.  Well of course, you say.  You’re parents of an 11-month old! Au contraire.  We are addicted to the Olympics.  Now before I get…

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Dr. Google

OK, now I know Dr. Nancy would not approve of this.  And it goes against all modern day wisdom: Looking up medical ailments on the internet is the worst thing to do.  There’s really nothing freakier, is there? So when I picked Jake up from an overnight at his grandparents…

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Gone Baby Gone

Our life is changing…. again.  It’s clear that our previously oblivious, spacey child is starting to become accutely aware of his surroundings.  Last Tuesday we were playing on the floor and Jake got ahold of my iPhone.  He turned around and I kid you not, pointed it at the TV and…

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