
Last week was the longest I’ve ever been away from Jakey.  4 nights in the steam bath that is Miami in June.  More importantly, it was the longest I’ve ever been away from both Jakey and James together.  We are all still recovering and in need of some pampering. Speaking…

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Jakey: A Poem

My bra is in the kitchen. The ottoman is in the hall.  There’s a block in the shower, Things are up at least 3 feet tall. An empty TP roll in the dishwasher, My folded clothes were pulled out of the drawer, Brand-new swimmy diapers in the hamper, Clean clothes strewn about the…

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Bye Bye Ladybugs

Tomorrow begins Jakey’s last week at the Gateway YMCA.  I’ve been sick about making this decision for over a month.  The day I gave Jake’s school notice that he was leaving, I came home and James had to give me a chocolate pudding cup and let me watch America’s Next…

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Zerbert Zee Button

Several months ago, Jakey realized he no longer had to be a passive receiver of zerberts, he could also hand them out.  So, whenever he sees a nice area of exposed skin, he leans over and blows on it.  I didn’t know you could zerbert someone’s calf, shoulder or knee,…

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At Jakey’s first birthday party, his Nonno noticed he was doing sign-language for “more.”  What a revelation!  Now we had a silent solution to our public dining dilemma.  Sign language is much less disruptive between every bite of sashimi.  Jakey’s sign for more is his right index finger pointed into…

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Pillow Talk

When Jake was really little I noticed that as he was falling asleep at night, he would practice each of his “tricks.”  He’d say: Ga ga, ba ba, da da, click his tongue, clap his hands, and fall asleep.  It was kind of like a little computer shutting down.  Sometimes…

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