On September 14, 2009 I started a little baby blog originally called “Jake: A Mom’s Opinion.” If you read any fashion magazines in the 90’s, you surely came across Glamour’s “Jake: A Man’s Opinion.” Two years later, Jake got a baby brother he called “Nake.” Once Jacob realized his brother was actually named Nate, I renamed my blog to “No It All.” Click here for some additional backstory. It pays homage to the two-year-old toddler phase both boys went through when the answer to every question was “no.” And of course we occasionally find ourselves saying “no” to the bathtub wrestling and the “light-saver” battles and the eating of straight ketchup with spoons… just occasionally. Plus the whole purpose of a blog is to publish your all knowing and uncontested thoughts, observations and pontifications into the universe for the joy and embarassment of your future literate children, right?
In all seriousness, this blog is meant to be a gift to my kiddos. A chronicle of what they were like when they were little– their childhood dreams, adventures, vocabulary, and daily events both big and small.