
Today it’s raining again.  We got a brief taste of blue skies and our weather apps are full of little sunshines without emoji clouds, but my rain boots and my Banff coat tell another story.  I’m currently tucked into a coffee shop booth as my car is serviced and I wait for a spa appointment.  I think I’ve earned it…

Over the last week or so I’ve been driving myself a bit crazy.  I can’t find James’ wedding ring.  Like anywhere.  And I’m feeling this terrible gnawing need to hear from him.  Like I need a message or a note or a surprise.  I’m sure someone will tell me this is normal.  Oh Grief you impish little scoundrel.

Needless to say and per some prior posts, this is not my happy place.

I scour every bathroom drawer.  I go through his dopp kit.  I check the hundred zippered pockets of his Osprey backpack.  And the dark, sandy corners of his Orvis duffel bag.  I pat down his jacket pockets, and his jeans pockets, and check the drawer near the phone chargers.  I pull out his clothes from the dresser and then have to put them all back.  I check all the little drawers of my jewelry box.  I go to sleep.  I wake-up and pull down his dusty watch box and check all those drawers.  Could it be in his car?  I shut my eyes and try to imagine, if I were James where would I put it?  I conclude that I usually find the most important things when I’m not looking for them.  That’s actually how I found James.

But not without first doing what I’d normally do… I text James and ask him where he put it.  That was on Tuesday.

Today we’re getting ready for school and I throw some receipts away from my backpack and I go upstairs to put socks on.  I pull my straw purse down from the shelf.  It’s kind of my “summer purse” because the top is open and like I said, it’s made of horse bedding.  I dig around in it and I’m about to put it back up on the shelf and then I’m like, doesn’t this purse have a zippered pocket?  And I open the pocket and I stick my hand down into its cute plaid depths and I pull up James’ wedding ring.  Tucked into the corner.  I feel so relieved.  “Jacob I found it!”

How did it get there?  Did I put it there when we were checking into the ER?  Who even knows.

I love you Jame.  I’ll text you later.

One Comment

  1. So glad you found it. And him. ??

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