Last weekend I decided it was time to round-up all of our old timey electronics and cords and take them off to the nearest e-cycling site. This has been something I’ve been meaning to get around to for awhile. Based on what we put into a large moving box, by awhile I mean… my entire adult life. We found my second generation Palm pilot, a little green iPod, two laptops from a previous employer, an iPad with risqué content created by two little boys I know, a Kindle, a digital alarm clock, maybe 50 bad headphones, and 400 unidentifiable cords, plugs, and miscellaneous black doodads. Apparently the fear of identity theft and having once spent $80 for a cord at Best Buy has made us afraid to ever get rid of anything. Ever.
Today Jacob and I took the round trip out to Cold Canyon Landfill where we left our box inside a shipping container with an orange sign that said “electronics.” I’m afraid they’ll either be shipped back to their Chinese birthplace for burial, or the next guy in a truck will swing by, load it up, and attempt to steal our identities from 2001. On the bright side, I decided mandatory face masks will become a permanent part of my landfill repertoire. If only it matched my fluorescent yellow dump vest.
Jacob and I then spent a joyful afternoon together shopping for a Christmas present for Nate. On the downside, ironically I found myself at Best Buy twice today.