Tomorrow is Crazy Sock Day. Which reminds me of a conversation I had with Nate a week or two ago. He comes up to the bathroom as I’m doing my make-up and he says, “Mama, guess what’s on my socks.”
I look down and he’s wearing a pair of short green socks with a repetitive pattern of unidentified somethings.
“Uh, I don’t know, redstone?” (They were giving off a Minecraft vibe so I went with the answer I recently failed during a Jacob Minecraft Mom Pop Quiz.)
I guess again. “Uh, lava?”
I quickly pivot to typical Nate answers generally engineered to trick me into saying something naughty or gross. This ain’t my first rodeo…
Dog poop. No. Barf. No. Boogers? Nope.
“OK, I give up… what is it?”
“Rotten flesh!” he says with glee. And he gets the exact Mom response he’s looking for.
“Ewwww, that’s dis-GUS-ting. Rotten flesh?! What?”
“Yeah, when you kill zombies in Minecraft they turn into rotten flesh.”
Hmmph. “Where did those socks come from?”
Nonna finds all the best stuff.