
When I was in college I had this little plastic ID holder the size of a credit card attached to a key ring.  It held my license, my Visa, a couple of bucks, my house key, and my car key.  I’d put it safely in the back of my jeans…

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Water Babies

We’ve been a family of loyal swim students for the past 15 weeks, and in that time, we’ve had our ups and downs… our victories and our infinitesimal, I mean incremental improvements. I’m happy to report that last Saturday JJ graduated from an o-fish-al Seahorse to an o-fish-al Jellyfish.  Woot-woot.…

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Job Interview

He waits nervously in the lobby as employees stream through the front door of the modern steel office building.  His new dress shoes feel stiff as he tries to fold his Wall Street Journal back into a neat square but only partially succeeds… iPads are so much better. A young…

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Model Behavior

This past Sunday I was attempting to languish in an old and lavish pastime from my youth I like to call, “reading magazines.” When I was younger, my mom and I would spend entire afternoons laying around the living room.  And my dad would always come in covered in dirt…

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Walkie Talkie

Nate can talk. I know, I know.  I’m always proclaiming this.  But every time I do, it’s because it’s like he can actually talk now.  Each time he crosses some invisible developmental speech level, it’s just so… apparent. There are very few times when I can’t tell what he’s saying…

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Lean Out

Yesterday morning I woke up at 4:55am, 5 minutes before I’d set my alarm to go off.  I stealthily got dressed, got an exemplary free parking spot near the train station… And then proceeded to board a slow train to nowhere.  Technically it was a slow train to the city……

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Lilon Bait

The very next morning I was brushing my teeth in the bathroom and saw Nate run past the door and down the hall, clutching his baybit, “Liiilon Coming!” I quick shut the door and hoped it was like me, preferring tapas over full-size entrees.

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Urban Safari

So Natesy’s fear of lilons has been quite the roller coaster. Maybe a bit over a month ago we were playing in the backyard and Nate would point over the fence to the neighbors yard, “Lilon?” “No, no lilon.” Then he’d point to the side yard, “Lilon!” “No, no lilon.”…

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This evening I stopped by Safeway and bought the biggest ketchup they had.  I’m tired of always finding I can barely get a splattering for my scrambled eggs.  It says it’s 4 pounds of Heinz goodness… a half gallon. I’m taking wagers on how long we think it will take…

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