
When I was little, I remember my mom worrying that my brother might have diabetes because the kid was constantly glugging down water.  It turned out he was just thirsty. Lately, it’s crossed my mind with Nake.  I just spent more than a week where I must have heard the…

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Issue Essay

When I was in sixth grade, Mr. Post would have us pound out these papers he called “issue essays.”  The point was essentially to show both sides of the topic; proponents and opponents factually and equitably represented.  It’s been a few years since I authored a grammar school issue essay,…

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Happy Hour

I’ll never forget when Jacob was maybe 18 months old, we were driving in the car and James exclaims, “You won’t believe it.  Jakey has leg hair!” It was true.  Our little chubby baby was growing into his big boy legs. Then maybe about six months ago, we’re riding in…

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Confucius Says

Tuesday night we ate Chinese take-out.  We were gone all weekend and so the food emergency continues… Jacob’s fortune cookie read: Focus your attention. Nathaniel’s fortune cookie read: Give yourself some peace and quiet for at least a few hours. Technically it said “quite” instead of “quiet,” but still… uncanny,…

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My mom and dad love to tell the story about how when I was little, they would give me kisses and I would wipe my mouth and exclaim, “Ew!  Yuck kiss.”  Believe me, their kisses were inordinately slobbery.  They’ve been campaigning for repentance for decades. Then maybe two weeks ago…

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Little Boys

Exactly one week ago we found ourselves in an evening food emergency: we were out of all five food groups.  Those food groups being: 1. Fruit (As Grandma has noticed, Nate is basically a fruitarian.  Tangerines, bananas, strawberries, blueberries and halved grapes being his primary sources of sustenance.) 2. Crunchy…

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