16 Month Stats

On Thursday I took Natesy to Dr. Antsy’s for his 15-month well-baby check-up.  Yes, he’s 16 months and is currently a snot factory… I do my best.

So I’m filling out the questionnaire and it asks things like:
“Can your child walk?”  Check.
“Can your child run?”  Check.
“Does your child know some body parts?”  Hmmm.

“Natesy, where’s your head?”  His little chubby hand slaps the side of his head confidently.  Phew.  The question is clearly plural and I know he knows belly button… Check!

(I’m kind of behind from an electronic medical records perspective.  I’m not really alone… I’d say the entire human race is behind on that front.)

12 Month Baby Stats:
Weight: 23 lbs 13.3 oz: 60.95% (down from 76.30%)
Height: 2’6″: 49.71% (down from 59.91%)
Head Circumference: 46.8cm: 58.49% (up from 56.72%)

16 Month Baby Stats:
Weight: 25 lbs 14.1 oz: 80% (up from 60.95%)
Height: 2′ 8.25″, 64% (up from 49.71%)
Head Circumference: 48cm, 72.56% (up from 58.49%)



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