We’ve already crossed doctor off the list based on pumpkin guts. And now, his future career as a fortune teller has already crashed and burned… before it ever got off the ground.
Baby Zinger was born happy and healthy this morning via C-section. Drum roll please… it’s a boy! Somehow, despite being a surprise baby, his parents entered the delivery room, girl’s name in hand. I have no idea whether they simply reached an impasse? I do know that he may be spending his first night still known as Zinger. I feel fortunate that in our experience, we came up with two girls’ names and two boys’ names and somehow never revisited the subject. I have a sneaking suspicion that the longer you go, the harder it is to decide… and you don’t want to compromise just to get past the hospital check-out counter, right?
When I got home tonight, Jacob was still in denial.
“Jakey, Baby Zinger was born today. Do you know if it’s a boy or a girl?”
“Her’s a ga-wol.”
“No, Baby Zinger is a boy! Can you believe it?”
Honestly, he was not having it. He had already had a similar conversation with his Daddy earlier today.
I showed him a picture of the baby on my iPhone and he softened his unyielding stance. Instead of arguing with me, he became more interested in understanding why he had so many things on his little ankles.
Yes, the title of this blog is still blank. I just can’t decide what to call it…
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