Wholey Moly

The last two weekends in a row I’ve been talked into visiting Whole Paycheck with one of the munchkins.  Talked into or perhaps, voluntold.  A new corporate-ism I’ve just added to my vocabulary… apparently it’s been in use for quite some time.

So, two weeks ago I took Nate and we were having a great time.  Then the stuff in the cart began to build-up until Nathaniel was able to lean back and reach it.  Every time I turned around, Nakezilla was tossing produce and baby food and other organic delicacies out of the cart.  In one aisle he got too close to a box of Lara bars and started conducting gravity experiments.  As I was quickly picking them up before someone noticed we were trashing the snack aisle, an entirely new box came crashing down on my head.  Nate’s arms are deceptively long.  He actually has eight of them.  Call the National Enquirer.

So last week I said, Oh no no no, Natesy has to stay at home.  I’ll take Jake.  We ended up with a seedless watermelon.  A bag of potato chips.  A cupcake.  I kid you not, I calculated the delta and Jacob adds a $30 premium to one’s epicurean invoice.  With Jakey as my shopping partner, things were flying off the shelves into our cart.  The exact opposite of his little brother.

Either way, tons of money flew out of my wallet.


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