
I spend a lot of time making sure Baby Nate is not in harm’s way.  Harm being another name for his enthusiastic and sometimes spastic, loving and roaring older sibling. “Jakey, are you being careful?” “I just rubbing him.  I just rubbing Baby Nake.” “Gentle.  Gentle.  Jacob, no jumping around…

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1/2 Birthday

Yesterday was Baby Nate’s very first half birthday! I can hardly believe that I’ve been blogging since Jake’s first half birthday… almost exactly two years ago.  I owe Natesy a longing look at a Kara’s cupcake this weekend to celebrate… I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t like it anyway.  Over the…

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Yesterday as we were driving, Jakey pointed out a “taxi car.” “Look, a taxi car right there!” “Oh yeah.  Looks like there’s a cowboy driving it.  Two out of three taxi cabs are gross Jacob. GroW-Os!”  James says this as he is reminded of a taxi ride in the city…

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Skunk Works

Most people don’t know this, but I have a sister.  And her name is Jennifer Anne. No, neither of my parents committed some unknown indiscretion you were previously unaware of.  In fact, Jennifer Anne and I adopted each other as spiritual sisters many many years ago during a highly eventful…

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Tractor Pull

They’re rebuilding the school around the corner from our house.  It’s quite exciting as it involves giant piles of dirt and lots of big tractors and backhoes and other heavy equipment.  Every time we drive by in the car Jake asks, “Where the tractors go?  I want to drive it.” …

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Way back at Easter is when we ended up with a small supply of “treats.”  The carrot jellybeans, otherwise known as Reese’s Pieces, became a handy dandy tool in our parenting arsenal.  We are not above bribing… or as psychologists like to call it: positive reinforcement. In order to start…

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Our friend Andy totally jinxed us.  We had dinner together exactly four weeks ago and he asks, “So, have you hit the ‘Why Stage’ yet?” You have to go back and reread that last sentence but with an English accent.  There, now it’s like you were actually there… I replied, “Nope.  I can…

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