Au Naturel

I recently learned a special little tidbit about one of my dearest friends who I’ve known since pre-school.  She has pictures on her iPhone of what I’ll call “heart sightings.”  Jenny explained to me that one day she asked the universe for a sign and now she sees hearts everywhere she goes… in rocks, in the clouds, under a car on the pavement.  It’s a little bit like that buttered Jesus toast or a Virgin Mary water stain, but totally sweeter.  In any case, Jakey seems to get similar signs from the universe.

At first I would say the universe shows him hammers.  Though I’m afraid to think what significance that might have.  Then I thought that his karmic object was snakes.  He sees snakes when we squirt lotion into his hands at night… and during an unfortunate conversation about our neighbor’s dog… I won’t elaborate further.  But, I’ve decided the universe is not showing Jacob hammers and snakes; his serendipitous symbol is Santa.  It has to be.  And I think Santa represents something wonderful and magical.  I always think of a friend’s house where year-round they have a sign hung in their entryway, “I believe in Santa Claus.”

It’s hard to say when the kismet of the universe will appear.  On our way home from Sanibel, we watched the pilot of a small Florida Keys hopper as he loaded his plane with tourists and their baggage.  The pilot had a head of white hair and a perfect white Santa beard.  “Look Jakey, is that Santa?” Head shaking and furrowed brow, “Nope.”  Huh… maybe he’s too skinny?

Then we were enjoying breakfast at one of my favorite places in Santa Cruz a week or two ago (Kelly’s Bakery on the Westside,  Two tables down was a very big guy with a head of dark blond dreadlocks and a short beard.  “Mama, Santa!”  OK, I guess modern-day Santa could have tatts… on his neck.

Yesterday I picked him up at school and always have to be sure to gather all his clothing… perhaps more on his wardrobe changes another day.  We find his sweatshirt, “Santa sweatshirt.  Me get it.  Santa sweatshirt.”  His Santa sweatshirt?  I’m confused.  Then I realize it’s his “Santa CRUZ” sweatshirt.

And finally, when we were in the pool in Florida for the umpteenth time, there was a very rotund, tan man swimming close by.  He had a distinguished gray beard.  You might say his cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry.  Of course as he rose from the water to ascend the pool steps, “Santa!”

“Santa’s naked, Mama.  Naked!”

Hmmm… now that I examine the facts, his signs from the universe may be au naturel.


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