Raisin James

Let’s do a round-up of new words for the week.  Well, maybe the last few weeks.  I’m a bit behind on my blogging. * Stop!: In an effort to reduce how much we’ve been saying “no” I began introducing a new word, looking for a similar response.  Stop.  Now Jakey…

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Dance Fever

Like most kids, Jakey is a dancin’ machine.  He rocks back and forth, from butt cheek to butt cheek, countless times a day.  You’re obliviously walking through Target and don’t even notice “Hey Soul Sister, ain’t that Mister Mister…” going on in the background until you see Jake rocking to…

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Packing for College

So, according to this blog o’ mine, Jake got his first tooth when he was just about 7 months old.  (Apparently Einstein said something about not storing information in your head that you can easily look up… supposedly with regard to his own phone number being in the phone book. …

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Fits & Starts

There is a new Jake in town.  I don’t know what it is exactly… a change of routine?  A change in school?  A change in his little 15-month old brain?  That often cited, potentially theoretical phenomenon called “teething”? Almost overnight, everything about Jacob is meltdown-worthy.  Bath time’s over?  Nooooooooooooo!!  Put…

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Too much TV?

I got this picture as a text on my iPhone with no note, from an unknown number.  Is it weird that my first thought was: OMG, what if this is a ransom text?…  “I have your child.  Give me a million dollars and nobody gets hurt.” Maybe I’ve been watching…

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