Packing for College

So, according to this blog o’ mine, Jake got his first tooth when he was just about 7 months old.  (Apparently Einstein said something about not storing information in your head that you can easily look up… supposedly with regard to his own phone number being in the phone book.  Well, we know how I feel about phone books… In any case, I subscribe to this potential Einstein urban myth logic.  All important Jacob milestones are on the blog, not in the limited real estate of my noggin.)

So, 7 months.  Jake is now 15 months and has 8 teeth: 4 front top, 4 front bottom.  Based on my math, it took us 8 months to use one of those teeny little travel sized kid toothpaste tubes.  8 months.  Kids basically eat toothpaste and yes, toothpaste is poisonous.  Therefore, the toothpaste directions say something to the effect of “just barely get the bristles blue so as not to POISON the miniature love of your life.”

We just bought a regular size tube of kid toothpaste.  There was no option that didn’t contain sparkles.  My calculations suggest that Jake will be taking this toothpaste with him to college.


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