
It’s been about four weeks since Nathaniel started doing the “Superman”… lying on his tummy and lifting his little arms and feet in the air like he’s flying.  He knows how to roll multiple times to get where he needs to go, and has clearly mastered the pivot.  Then today, I…

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This past week I had an impromptu parent/teacher conference at Baby Nate’s school.  Teacher Noemi had filled-in a one page sheet telling me what he can do and what he’s currently “working on.” It seems as though he’s meeting all his developmental milestones with flying colors.  His current areas for…

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Maroon 2.5

I can’t remember exactly how long it’s been since Jake started singing… recognizable songs that is.  It must have been eight months ago or longer when I heard him singing to himself and the only part I could make out was “Yesth, sir, yesth, sir,” sung with great gravitas.  All…

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Cup on pup.

We read a lot of books.  Or maybe more accurately, we read a handful of books, alot.  I’m thinking of starting a little blog book critique in all of my spare time.  Stay tuned for that. The other night Jakey brought me a book.  “Read this book Mama.  This book no make you sick. …

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Food Fugitive

Natesy won’t eat.  Honestly.  He weighs 20 pounds and he’s still on an almost pure liquid diet. We started with the requisite rice cereal.  Glue. Pears?  Yawn. Bananas?  Uh, uh. Mangoes?  No go. Sweet potatoes!  Yucky. We’re on week 2 of butternut squash.  They’ve had some luck getting a few…

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