Thpythee Mint

Our very first autumn in San Luis, we played soccer, of course.  I’ll admit, I’m kind of in love with the plAYSOccer logo for AYSO.  Genius.  That was our first introduction to many of our current Pacheco parent friends.  It’s kind of funny to think back on those early sideline days.

One of my favorite memories was when Kai got a brand new baby sister.  I remember asking five-year-old Nate about it.

“So Nate… does Kai have a new baby sister yet?”
“Oh how exciting!  What’s her name?  Do you know?”
And he replies, in all seriousness, “I think it’s uh… Princess Leia?”

She is now forever Princess Leia to me.

That same season is when we met little SloDoCo with the happiest, cutest grin ever.  He has a real name, but his donut shirt is forever etched in my memory.

That’s also the season when we met Kai’s little brother.  He had the coolest blond bangs that he was constantly adjusting via his professional surfer head snap.  My first memory is of three-year-old Jackson marching up and down Middle School hills with a big stick, and a flock of older followers behind him.  Make no mistake, he’s the leader of the pack.

Then last year on Nate’s baseball team, this little boy just started chatting me up like nobody’s business.  He had the two cutest dimples any person has ever possessed and wild blond hair.  Fast-forward another year and we’re back together again in the stands.  I have the biggest snack bag so I have an advantage in making friends with all the little siblings in the bleachers.  My buddy and his irresistible dimples find me with a fresh container of these little pieces of gum that come in cubes.  He asks me for some gum and then hesitates.

“What flavor is it?”
“Mmm, mint.”
“Thpythee mint?”
“Well, not too spicy.  But maybe?”
“Hmmm, I don’t like thpythee mint.”  And he scampers off.

Oh thpythee mint.

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